Welcome to Veridaq.com

Verifiably document and automate HR check on Hands-on/Work Experience, Accomplishment and Recommendation.

Unlock the power of seamless background information check with Veridaq.com. Our platform revolutionizes the way organizations and individuals handle HR information verification with secure and verifiable reference.


Verifiable Reference as-a-Service

Work Reference: This Veridaq function facilitates Work Reference requests by a current or previous employee and its issuance by a work organisation. An issued Work Reference will verifiably document and reference the work engagement, accomplishments and commendation record between the individual and the organisation.

Hands-on Experience Reference: This Veridaq function facilitates Hands-on Experience Reference requests by a project team member (Freelancer, Trainee or a regular Employee) and its issuance by the project promoter (Organisation). An issued Hands-on Experience Reference will verifiably document and reference the hands-on engagement, role accomplishments and commendation record on the project between the individual and the organisation.

Individual Reference/Recommendation: This Veridaq function facilitates the request and issuance of verifiable recommendation or an individual reference on the knowledge of another individual's competence, personality and accomplishments.


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