Data Protection Policy

1. Introduction

a. Adsoft Online Limited operating as Veridaq, operates under the laws of the Federal Republic of Nigeria and is committed to upholding data protection and privacy standards. This policy outlines how Veridaq collects, uses, and discloses personal information in compliance with relevant laws and regulations, including the Nigeria Data Protection Act 2023.

2. Purpose of the Policy

a. Inform all stakeholders of Veridaq's approach to maintaining information security and privacy.

b. Clarify responsibilities regarding data protection compliance.

c. Ensure compliance with relevant legislation and standards.

d. Minimize the risk of security breaches and legal issues.

3. Roles and Responsibilities

a. Head of Compliance and Legal Services:

i. Develop and implement the Data Protection & Privacy Policy.

ii. Provide updates on data protection regulations.

iii. Educate management and employees on data protection obligations.

iv. Handle data privacy requests and inquiries.

v. Conduct data protection training for employees and management.

vi. Advise on Data Protection Impact Assessments.

vii. Manage data breach incidents.

viii. Ensure company-wide compliance with the NDPA.

b. Board and Management:

i. Establish data protection objectives aligned with the company's strategy.

ii. Allocate resources for data protection measures.

iii. Ensure compliance with NDPA and best practices.

c. Employees:

i. Fully comply with the Data Protection Policy.

ii. Adhere to data security procedures.

iii. Report data breaches promptly.

iv. Direct breach protocols to the compliance officer.

4. Data Protection and Governing Principles

a. Personal data will be processed for specified, explicit, and legitimate purposes.

b. Consent will be obtained from data subjects following NDPA guidelines.

c. Data processing will be lawful and transparent.

d. Data accuracy and integrity will be maintained.

e. Data storage will be secure and limited to necessary periods.

f. Data confidentiality and accountability will be ensured.

5. Information Security Measures

a. Network Access Control: Only authorized devices can access the network.

b. Passwords and Access Control: Strict password policies and individual accountability.

c. Hierarchy Access: Access levels defined for different personnel categories.

d. Risk Analysis: Regular assessment of information system security risks.

e. Intrusion Prevention System: Firewall solution to prevent unauthorized access.

f. Endpoint Security System: API Gateway and endpoint protection for application security.

g. Network Management: Standards for connected devices and disconnection policy for non-compliant devices.

h. Data Backup: Automated daily backups with encryption and limited access.

i. Third-Party Disclosure: Disclosure limited to necessary purposes with consent.

j. Employee Compliance: Training programs, awareness campaigns, and internal audits to ensure compliance.

6. Legal Requirements and Regulations

a. Compliance with all applicable laws and regulations, including NDPA, GDPR, and others.

b. Prohibition of unauthorized software usage.

c. Identification as Adsoft Online Limited operating as Veridaq.

d. Contact information provided for inquiries.


Veridaq is committed to safeguarding personal data and ensuring compliance with data protection regulations. This policy outlines our commitment to transparency, accountability, and security in handling personal information. For any inquiries or concerns regarding data protection, please contact

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